KP-8299A / KP-8299B

  • Description

8” Color LCD Automatic Identification System (AIS)/GPS Plotter/compatible with C-MAP MAX

1. Built-in Automatic Identification System (AIS) Receiver (8299B) or Automatic Identification System (AIS) Class B Transponder (8299A)
2. High resolution TFT day-view LCD display
3. SD-cards slot for C-Map MAX and user data
4. C-Map MAX and K-Chart Selectable
5. Tide table and Celestial display
6. Versatile display mode include

• Plotter Screen
• Nav.Data
• Satellite Information
• AIS Display
• Compass Screen

7. GOTO track navigation
8. Map orientation select
9. Proximity waypoints alarms
10. Perspective View
11. Palette

• Normal
• Daylight – exposed to sunlight
• Night – in dark environment
• NOAA- paper chart color

12. Wind speed and direction display by optional sensor input
13. AIS guard zone with CPA and TCPA alarm

1. Waypoints/icons15,000 waypoints with name, symbol, 10 proximity waypoint
2. Routeswaypoint up to 200 points each, plus MOB and Track Navigation or Goto Track modes
3. Tracks30,000 point automatic track log; 15 saved track (up to 2000 track points each)let you retrace your path in both directions
4. AlarmsXTE, Anchor drag, arrival, speed, voltage, proximity waypoint and time,AIS alarm.
5. Pallete1. Normal
2. Daylight exposed to sunlight
3. Night in dark environment
4. NOAA paperchart colors
6. TidesTide data
7. ProjectionMercator projection
8. Position formatLat/Lon
9. BasemapBuilt-in Onwa K-Chart
10. External MapSD Cards slot for C-Map MAX
11. User data storageInternal backup of user settings, or external SD-card
12. Plot Interval1s to 99h or 0.01 nm to 9.99nm
13. Plotting scales0.01nm to 1,000nm
14. Nav Data Inputs: Inputs:
$–DBT, $–DPT, $–GGA, $–GLL,$–GSA, $–GSV,
$–HDG,$–HDM,$–HDT,$–MTW, $–RMB,$–RMC,
$–VTG, $–ZDA, $–VWR,$–VWT,$–MWD, $–VPW
$–AAM, $–APB, $–BOD,$–BWC,$–GGA, $–GLL,
$–RMB,$–RMC,$–VTG, $–XTE, $–ZDA
Outputs for autopilot:
$–AAM, $–APB, $–BOD,$–VTG
15. Perspective ViewOn/off

10.5 to 35VDC, current drain <500mA at 12V

1. Size290mm(H)X195.5mm(W)X99.5mm(D)
2. Weight2.43kg
3. Display8.0-inches Color TFT day-view LCD 800 X 600 pixels
4. WaterproofingDisplay unit: IPX5
Antenna unit: IPX6
5. Temperature range
Display unit: -15℃ to +55℃
Antenna unit: -25℃ to +70℃

1. Receiver50 parallel channel GPS receiver continuously Tracks and uses up to 50
satellites to compute and update your position
2. Acquisition timesCold start: 27 seconds average
Warm start: 27 seconds average
Hot start: 1 seconds average
3. Update rate1/second,continuous
4. AccuracyPosition: 2.5 meters(95%) without S/A
Velocity: 0.1 Meter/sec without S/A
Time: ±100ns synchronized to GPS time
5. DynamicsAltitude: 50,000m Max
Velocity: 500 m/s
Acceleration: 4g Max
6. DatumWGS 84 & Others
7. InterfacesNMEA 0183 input and output,RS232 and RS422 output
8. AntennaKA07

1. Display unit
2. Antenna unit with 10m cable
3. Transducer
4. Operator manual
5. Installation materials and standard spare parts

1. Transmitter x 1(For KP-8299A ONLY)
2. Receiver x 2(one time shared between AIS/DSC)
3. Frequency 156.025 to 162.025 MHz iin 25KHz steps
4. Output power2 watts typical(For KP-6299A only)
5. Channel bandwidth 25KHz
6. Channel step25KHz
7. Modulation modes5KHz GMSK (AIS,TX AND RX)
25KHz AFSK (DSC,RX only)
8. Bit rate9600 b/s +- 50 ppm (GMSK)
1200 b/s +- 30 ppm (FSK)
9. RX sensitivitySensitivity – 107dBm 25Khz
Message error rate less than: 2%
Co-channel 10dB
IMD 62dB
Blocking 84dB


1. How will I know if my KP-1299, or any other KP-XX99 Plotter series, is updated or not?
A: The latest firmware version available for our GPS Plotters is 16.06.14. Compare this to the firmware version of your GPS Plotter to know if it is updated or not.

2. How will I know the version of my GPS Plotter?
A: After turning your GPS Plotter “ON”, a window will be displayed containing a warning message about C-Map and K-Chart Electronic Charting Systems. On the bottom-left side of the window, the Software version of the unit will be displayed and on the bottom-right side of the window, the K-Chart version of the unit will be displayed.

3. What is Automatic Identification System (AIS)?
A: Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a reporting system used in the identification of marine vessels and its location. Vessels equipped with this system allow each other to communicate automatically, dynamically and regularly update their position, speed, course and information such as vessel identity.
The AIS radar function does not refer to its own AIS system and its features such as the VHF T/R and Letter Machine but by serial interface through (NMEA) which will be received by the AIS and sent to the radar on a real time displayed on the radar screen.
ONWA Marine Electronics offer Chart Plotters with built-in AIS devices or external AIS devices which can be interfaced with your Radar and GPS Chart Plotters.

4. Why is the AIS screen missing after the installation of new firmware?
A : Starting from the new firmware update, we put the AIS screen “ON”/”OFF” selection in the SETUP menu. The default setting for the AIS screen is “OFF” therefore, you need to turn the AIS screen “ON” in the SETUP menu.

5. How to install or update new firmware?
A : To download the firmware update instruction, please click on the link. Firmware updating procedure on 99 series

6. How to switch “OFF” the unit if the system hangs in some cases?
A : Press and hold [POWER] key for about 10 seconds, then the unit will turn “OFF”.

7. What is the difference between an Automatic Identification System (AIS) transponder and an Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiver?
A: There are two classes of Automatic Identification System (AIS) devices: Class “A” Transponder and Class “B” Receiver. Class “A” transponders are those with built-in VHF transmitter and receiver. This means that the device can transmit and receive vessel information to and from its own vessel. On the other hand, Class “B” receivers are only able to receive vessel information from other vessels which has AIS transmitters.

8. What is the range Automatic Identification System (AIS) covers?
A: Normally, vessels with an Automatic Identification System (AIS) receiver connected to an external antenna placed on 15 meters above sea level, will receive AIS information within a range of 15-20 nautical miles. Even behind remote mountains, range can be determined depending on the elevation, antenna type, obstacles around antenna and weather conditions.

9. Can I use the Automatic Identification System (AIS) of ONWA with other brands?
A: Yes. ONWA Marine Electronic equipment uses NMEA standards which makes it compatible with other brands. You can use the included cable (KS2-data1) on the package to connect the Automatic Identification System (AIS) device to other navigational equipment such as plotter, radar etc.
Please connect the DB9 connector of the KS2-data1 cable to the DB9 socket of KS200A/B. Connect the other end of the KS2-data1 cable to the external navigational equipment.
Wiring Connection is available in the manual.

10. Why is it that I cannot see the ship nearby in the Automatic Identification System (AIS) screen, though I see it on the sea?
A: There are two classes of Automatic Identification System (AIS) devices: Class “A” Transponder and Class “B” Receiver. Class “A” transponders are those with built-in VHF transmitter and receiver. This means that the device can transmit and receive vessel information to and from its own vessel. On the other hand, Class “B” receivers are only able to receive vessel information from other vessels which has AIS transmitters. Thus, vessels with Class “B” AIS devices cannot be seen by other vessels, it can only receive information from other AIS devices.
Another scenario would be if the other vessel has no AIS device at all. Then, only the radar can detect its presence on navigational equipment.

11. Can I see my ship in using the Automatic Identification System (AIS) of ONWA?
A: Yes. There are only a few reasons if you cannot see your vessel in
The vessel is not equipped with an Automatic Identification System (AIS) transponder or the transponder is not operational or the transponder is not properly working
The vessel sails in an area where no nearby AIS receiving station exists
The transmission power of the vessel’s AIS transponder is not enough in order for a land-based station to receive the signals. This depends on the type of the transponder, the type and the height of the antenna and the quality of the cabling
Especially for vessels equipped with a Class-B AIS transponder, the transmission power of AIS signals is much lower than the power of a Class-A transponder and therefore the reception range in much more restricted
The AIS transponder of the vessel is not configured to transmit the correct information (e.g. MMSI number, ship’s name etc.)

12. I lost the adapter of my Radar for Automatic Identification System (AIS), how can I get a new one?
A: Please contact your nearest ONWA Dealer or you can send us an email about your concern on Automatic Identification System (AIS) via our Contact Us page.

Note:From time to time, ONWA introduces new features and finds ways on how to improve the functions of your GPS Plotters. This firmware update will improve the performance of your GPS Plotter. Please read the following instructions carefully before doing the firmware update.

Latest Firmware Version: 16.06.14

Before we get started, please read the firmware updating procedure by clicking the link below:
Firmware Update Procedure

Firmware Update Procedure

To start your download, please click the link below:

KP-8299A/KP-8299B 06/14/2016 update

Tips about your Plotter:

A) It is advised to switch off the unit when changing the C-MAP card.
B) It is advised to save all user data (waypoint, route etc.) before upgrade by copying them into a SD card.
Go to MAIN MENU-> Data -> Data out. After upgrade you can copy them back to the unit.
Go to MAIN MENU-> Data -> Data in.
C) For the 99A series (KP6299A, KP8299A & KP1299A):

Please switch “ON” the AIS screen after upgrade, MAIN MENU->Setup->AIS screen->”ON”.
Please turn “ON” AIS TX after upgrade, MENU-AIS->AIS TX-> “ON”.
Please check the own ship MMSI on the first row of AIS detial list, MENU-AIS->AIS detail list. If the MMSI is all “0” please re-enter the MMSI from AIS SET UP screen.
To enter the AIS SET UP screen:
i. Switch off the unit.
ii. Switch on the unit again.
iii. Press and hold [MENU] + [ESC] at the same time when you see the WARNING page.
iv. Then enter the AIS SET UP screen, choose “READ” to read the AIS data.
v. If the “Read fail! Try again” message appears, please change AIS model to “2” and choose “READ” again to read AIS data.
You can also study this link from youtube for detail :

What’s new:

In this firmware version, the following features are added to your plotter:

Add decimal number to Depth value when in dual screen mode
( Plotter / Fish finder) Remark : when the value is over 100, the decimal number is disappear)
Enlarged the Depth value display size in fish finder screen
Replace long press MENU key to activate Track on/off by Screen Ratio setting when in dual screen mode.
Remark: Please remove the previous integrate 623 smoothing to Chinese Simplified due to instability.

*Please read the instruction carefully before update.
**The update action is not reversible.
***For KPXX99A/B please turn on AIS screen in SETUP menu.